
Super Sons #15 Review

Written by: Peter Tomasi

Art by: Carlo Barberi, Art Thibert

Published by: DC Comics

Super Sons enters a penultimate issue.

Last arc of Super Sons gives us more of the same, for better or worse. We have some really fun interactions between Jon and Damian as usual, and an underwater sequence that’s quite enjoyable, full of jabs. We also have a return of one of their villains, and it is really a setup for the last issue that could change the dynamic of the team–when and if they ever team up again.

The humor is still intact as Tomasi shows his proficiency with these characters, and even though this is not a strongest chapter of this series, it is still extremely fun and action packed.

Barberi’s art here is really strong as well, especially in the underwater sequences where most of the action takes place. There’s a scope of danger for the boys, but also moments of bonding that Tomasi tries to portray as well.  The villain in this arc is the only thing that did not end up working for me as it does not seem it was very well developed even in the earlier arc when the  character was originally introduced.

Super Sons is a series that is going to be sorely missed. It’s a book about friendship, about coming of age and about overcoming adversity. It was one of the staples of the Rebirth line and a great read for kids of all ages. It’s a comic that should be made into an animated show.