
Superman Futures End #1 Review

Publisher: DC Comics

Writers: Dan Jurgens

Artist: Lee Weeks

Thus far Futures End has been a mishmash of mostly underwhelming stories, and deceiving “one shots” (many are two partners to bait you to buy another book), so my expectations for Superman Futures End were not very high. However I was pleasantly surprised in what I read and found the story to actually be a enjoyable one shot and one definitely worth buying.

Like many of the Futures End issues the main writer and artist (Johns and Romita) are not involved in this issue . Instead we get a team of Dan Jurgens and Lee Weeks , who do a admirable job. The story that Jurgens crafts is one that is not related to the current main story at all , so it is pretty accessible. In fact it actually is related to a bit of the weekly Futures End story (issue 17 to be exact), however there is not too much pressure to be reading that because you can still enjoy this.

For those who have been reading the Futures End title, or a few other of the September issues, you may have gleamed that Superman is not present in the current situation. So obviously that impacts this story significantly. Without giving away who the new Superman is in this story, for the sake of spoilers, I can say that the character they chose to use is interesting and well thought out.  The name recognition should be there for fans to relate and the story around him is worth the investment. The story basically is concerned with why the world needs the mantle of Superman to be filled, in order for there to be the same amount of hope. Jurgens manages to make this a true one shot, which is nice, because some of the other work DC has produced this month has been unable to contain itself to one issue.

The art is very strong in this issue, and Lee Weeks does a great job. Weeks’ character designs and facial expressions are really top notch and they make the story pop. The style is a bit different from what I would consider a “typical” Superman style, but then again..this is not the typical Superman.

In a month where most of the issues have been lackluster, Superman Futures End #1 is a true one and done story and is actually worth your dollar.