There are many long lasting, diverse sagas in Video Games, arguably none are as convoluted or as scattered on the timeline than Metal Gear Solid. With Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releasing this summer and closing the gap in the series a question I hear all the time is being asked again, “what order should I play the games in to catch up.” It’s a tough question as the timeline has spanned multiple generations and bounced around the different timeframes multiple times. So naturally there are two answers to this question but I’m going to tell you which one is the right one. First you can play the games in the correct timeline order experiencing the series in a linear fashion, second you can play the games in the order of release and bounce around the timeline filling gaps. The answer is simple, you have to do the latter and bounce around the timeline.
First let’s look at why playing them in the linear fashion is wrong. On a sheer playability standpoint you will make it very hard on yourself when you go from a ps2 classic to early ps1 title and even farther if you dare play the old games on Nintendo and MSX. The mechanics and graphics will bounce around and it can severely hinder your enjoyment of the franchise. The number one reason however to skip this method is because you simply miss out on all the fun.
What makes this series so special is being utterly and hopelessly confused, frustrated and lost. Then for a second it all clicks and the deranged madness of Hideo Kojima is revealed. Certain reveals and revelations will only have their impact if they are experienced in the same way they were presented to gamers originally. Now before I break it down most of you will fall into two categories the purist and the modern players. The Metal Gear Solid series was started in 1987 on the MSX2 and NES, the second game Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake was also released on MSX2. The purist will play these games as well as they are available to play on modern platforms, the modernist will simply skip them for more familiar experiences on more modern consoles (completely acceptable, I won’t judge). For the benefits of completion we will include them in the breakdown. So enjoy your trip down Metal Gear Boulevard and hang in there because the payoff will totally be worth all the lost hair.
*SIDE NOTE I did not include Portable Ops in this list. Give it a play if you can on PSP but it doesn’t offer much in the grand scheme of the story.
Game 1
Metal Gear
Released: 1987
Takes Place: 1995
Original Platform: MSX, NES/Famicom
Current Platform: PS3 in Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection, Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection, Xbox 360 Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection,
Game 2
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
Released: 1990
Takes Place: 1999
Original Platform: MSX2
Current Platform: PS3 in Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection, Metal Sear Solid: HD Collection, Xbox 360 Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection
Game 3
Metal Gear Solid
Released: 1998
Takes Place: 2005
Original Platform: PS1
Current Platform: PSN, XBL (digital) PS3 in Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection
*Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes is a remake of Metal Gear Solid on Nintendo GameCube
Game 4
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Released: 2001
Takes Place: 2007/09
Original Platform: PS2
Current Platform: PS3 in Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection, Metal Sear Solid: HD Collection, Xbox 360 Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection, PSVita Metal Sear Solid: HD Collection
Game 5
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Released: 2004
Takes Place: 1964
Original Platform: PS2
Current Platform: PS3 in Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection, Metal Sear Solid: HD Collection, Xbox 360 Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection, PS Vita Metal Sear Solid: HD Collection
Game 6
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Released: 2008
Takes Place: 2014
Original Platform: PS3
Current Platform: PS3 in Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection
Game 7
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Released: 2010
Takes Place: 1974
Original Platform: PSP
Current Platform: PS3 in Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection, Metal Sear Solid: HD Collection, Xbox 360 Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection, PS Vita Metal Sear Solid: HD Collection
Game 8
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeros
Released: 2014
Takes Place: 1975
Current Platform: PS4, PS3, XBOne, XB360, PC
Game 9
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Releases: 2015
Takes Place: 1984
Available On: PS4, PS3, XBOne, XB360, PC
If you follow this model I feel it conveys the best experience both mechanically and emotionally. It might not work best logic wise but as you will learn as you traverse the elaborate storytelling that logic goes out the window pretty quick with this series. Also don’t be afraid to hit up a good Metal Gear Wiki page to fill in some gaps as I’m sure you will have some. So there you have it, you got a few months until Phantom Pain releases and closes all the gaps and answers every question we have ever had about the series (wishful thinking). So go grab a cardboard box and a pack of cigs and get to work, Snake is waiting.
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