Modern Titan Shift
For the last few months, I have had the same answer to the question everyone loves to ask: What’s the best deck in Modern? Titan Shift....
For the last few months, I have had the same answer to the question everyone loves to ask: What’s the best deck in Modern? Titan Shift....
The stale nature of Standard has drawn constant criticism from both the professional and casual communities, as there are really only 2.5 viable decks. Mardu Vehicles...
There’s one thing about LARPing that we all feel that in some way we have to address whenever the topic comes up. That being the physicality...
Developing a new mechanic and understanding how it affects multiple formats is something that even Wizards can get wrong. The best example of this is Delve;...
Remember when I said that that you might not need a third color in GBx decks a while ago? Well that was before Fatal Push was...
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