Comics Dash #84: It’s About Being War Boys
On this very apacolyptic episode, Alex is gone so Chad and Jean-luc talk old cartoons and surviving the apocolypse. Would the two make great blood bags?...
On this very apacolyptic episode, Alex is gone so Chad and Jean-luc talk old cartoons and surviving the apocolypse. Would the two make great blood bags?...
2017 was an odd year for comics. We had some very interesting independent stories pop up. We had Marvel continue to flounder and not know what...
At this point, I feel like everything that needs to be said has been said more articulately elsewhere. However, to echo those sentiments: the events of...
2017 has been one of those years that’s best described with words like “shitburger” or “awful” or “suicide pact? Suicide pact!” However, the good folks at...
On this week’s comic-filled episode, Alex, Jean, Chad, and Pretentious Dan talk Batman Metal, Wonder Woman, Ragman, and Royal City. They also talk about a bunch...
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