
Comics Dash Podcast Episode 8: That Dr. Death!

Hey guys check out the latest episode of the Comics Dash Podcast…now on Itunes.

David, Jean Luc and pinch hitter for Henry, Bryan Huth break down comic news such as

-Images for the Flash , Gotham and Constantine T.V Shows

-Marvel’s New documentary series


We Also get into Books such as:

-JL 3000 #4,  FBP # 8 and Batman #29


David and Jean Luc Break down Zero Year(and alot of Capullo and Synders Batman) as our discussion topic. (We also learn David does NOT like Dr. Death)


Be sure to check us out on Itunes…and question can be sent to @ComicsDashPod or @DavidStaniusz on twitter

The Comics Dash Episode 8