Written by: John Fleming
Art by: Colette Turner
Published by: Kickstarter Project
The world of Badassical continues to grow in new and unexpected ways!
Since the last time we met the girls threat has escalated to new depths. We are introduced to some new bad guys that are going to put a smile on everyone’s face and certainly fall within the name Badass.
John continues to balance humor and action in this issue well, especially in the beginning of the chapter that focuses on Susan and how she emulates me when I have to get up. Not going to spoil anything, but needless to say dont be in the way! That whole sequence is funny but not in a cheesy way that is sometimes quite hard to balance.
When the action starts toward the end of the chapter, it is very fast paced and has a ton of moving parts. For the most part it is handled well, but there are certain small pacing issues that occur here; however nothing that would detract from enjoyment of the issue. Best part that is seen in John’s writing here is the fact you see that he enjoys working with these characters and that is always important for the writer as they can see themselves as some of these characters.
Colette’s art as the previous issues is stellar; especially in the facial expressions which is quite evident especially in Susan’s beginning sequence that really does show her range of drawing different emotions from panel to panel. The way Colette handles action is as impressive as nothing seems fully out of place or jumbled. We get to see some new designs here that also show off her ability to handle intricacy of costumes as well without being overwhelmed.
Overall Badassical continues to e a fun book that everyone can find something to enjoy in. It is full of humor, fun loving characters, some badass action and bunny girls! So I mean what’s there not to like?!
Badassical #4 is an upcoming issue and it should be launching on Kickstarter on August 22nd so look for it there and pledge so we can enjoy some more of this awesomeness!