Today, we have a couple of interesting titles heading to the PS4 (#1 and 2), a cool interview with Naughty Dog about the future of the Uncharted Series (#5), and Sega is taking advantage of their retro portfolio in the mobile space (#11). Lots of Nintendo news as well! (#6, 10, 13, 16, 19, and 20)
1- Acclaimed RPG Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition Makes its PS4 Debut August 29 (Source: PlayStation Blog, Marco Behrmann Product Manager)
2- Cities: Skylines is Bringing its Creativity and Strategy to PS4 (Source: PlayStation Blog, Niklas Lundstrom Producer)
3- RUMOR: LA Noire Remastered Rumors: VR Support and First Person Mode Coming? (Source: Comicbook, Liam Robertson, Credit to NeoGAF User Shiggy)
4- Tim Sweeney (Epic Games) twitter post “all platforms should embrace cross-play; it benefits everyone” (Credit to NeoGAF User Arthands).
5- Naughty Dog on Lost Legacy – and the future of Uncharted (Source: Eurogamer Tom Phillips)
Uncharted and The Last of Us studio Naughty Dog has been clear on one thing – Uncharted 4 was the end of Nathan Drake’s story. The famed treasure hunter does not even get a cameo in the upcoming Uncharted spin-off Lost Legacy to avoid undoing anything from the last game’s ending.
Instead, Lost Legacy gives the limelight over to two of Uncharted’s fan-favourite side-characters – Nadine Ross and Chloe Frazer – as they team up to take on their own adventure.
But Lost Legacy was always planned as something a little extra – first as a downloadable chapter, now expanded into a full game. But how big a game? And what’s next? Is this only the first such side-adventure planned? We chatted to Lost Legacy’s creative director and writer Shaun Escayg at E3 last week for more on the game, and to find out whether Naughty Dog will continue the blockbuster series further without its lead star.
6- Super Mario Odyssey Will Have Around 30-50+ Moons on Each Level… LET THE COLLECTATHON BEGIN! (Source: My Nintendo News SICKR)
7- I’m not sure what David Cage is trying to say with Detroit (Become Human) (Source: Eurogamer Wesley Yin-Poole)
I want Detroit: Become Human to have the balls to have something to say, but I’m worried it’ll end up being a game about android resistance that sits on the fence.
David Cage, mastermind of divisive PlayStation adventure games Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls, has turned his attention to the telling of a well-worn story: what happens when robots rise up?
The robot revolution is a tale as old as time, but in 2017 and no doubt in 2018, when Detroit is due out, it takes on extra meaning. The downtrodden, the forgotten, the poor and the weak have had enough. Is Detroit, then, a game about what it means to be human in this day and age? Is Detroit about the civil rights movement? I really want it to be, but I very much doubt it.
8- Detroit: Become Human E3 videos (Source: NeoGAF user Equanimity)
9- Little older article… but I thought it was interesting! How Machine Games envisioned an America overtaken by Nazis in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (Source: Venture Beat Dean Takahashi)
Bethesda drew huge applause last week when it unveiled Wolftenstein II: The New Colossus at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3). The sequel to 2014’s Wolfenstein: The New Order is coming out on October 27.
It’s going to be bloody. And like the original Wolfenstein, it will be disturbing to see how history might have turned out in an alternative world.
I caught up with Jens Matthies, creative director at Machine Games, at E3 during an interview where we walked through the vast Los Angeles Convention Center. We talked about designing a world where the Nazis won World War II and corrupted American society with Nazi culture. The Nazis believe the war is over, but B.J. Blazkowicz is back once again to gun them down.
10- Nintendo 2DS XL unboxing and impressions, European Version (Source: Nintendo Life)
11- Sega Forever launch trailer – lineup of classic games on iOS and Android. Will release worldwide June 22
12- A remaster with no old code: Crash Bandicoot was rebuilt nearly from scratch (Source: Arstechnica, Sam Machkovech)
13- Nintendo of America: Metroid Prime 4 and New Pokemon Are 2018 Games (Source: My Nintendo News, SICKR)
14- Video with Beyond Good & Evil 2 prototype to be released tomorrow (Source: NeoGAF user FelipeMGM)
15- Jose Otero is leaving IGN to start a job at Nintendo. I wish him the best!!
16- Nintendo on new IPs, Splatoon’s popularity with players, using leftover ideas in Splatoon 2 (Source: Nintendo Everything, Brian)
17- God of War director explains why entire game has no camera cuts (Source: Eurogamer Chris Bratt)
God of War (AKA Dad of War) is being described as a soft reboot for the series, as Kratos enters the world of Norse mythology for the first time alongside his son. The changes aren’t just limited to the game’s setting, however.
As we first saw in gameplay revealed at E3 2016, God of War has replaced its fixed cinematic camera shots with one positioned over Kratos’ shoulder and the combat has been drastically reworked. The series which popularised Quick Time Events is ditching them altogether and, as I discovered in my interview with game director Corey Barlog, is also losing camera cuts. Things won’t be the same in the world of the Norse gods.
18- The Kojima Game That Made You Play In The Sun (Source: Kotaku Luke Plunkett)
Hideo Kojima is famous for being the driving force behind stuff like Metal Gear and Snatcher. But today, we’re going to talk about another of his games: Boktai, a quirky little Game Boy Advance title that asked the player to go outside and get some sun.’
While that sounds…odd, it was for a very good reason: not only was Boktai the story of a vampire hunter who was more powerful during the daylight hours, but to ensure that these powers were properly timed, the game’s cartridge included a daylight sensor at the top.
19- Nintendo has a plan to keep Switch owners happy, and it’s more than Mario (Source: Venture Beat, Jeff Grubb, Credit to NeoGAF user Cerium)
Great selections of text: NeoGAF Post