Written by: John Fleming
Art by: Collette Turner, J Skipper
Publisher: Kickstarter Project
Giant guns! Giant robots! Bunny Girls! Oh my!
Badassical #2 is a direct continuation of the first issue. There’s a lot of hilarious character moments, especially between Pandora and Susan, who take the spotlight. More Susan is never a bad thing either, as Fleming writes her with such playfulness and innocence. One has to wonder how can she create such destruction wherever she goes.
The sheer amount of action is sometimes staggering, and that’s not a bad a thing at all. Things escalate after the first issue, and a new enemy shows up trying to take down the heroines. What is successful here is just how differently everyone deals with the situation . There is always a bit of arguing, which makes the book extremely lively. Susan is a prominent character in this chapter, and Pandora serves almost as a polar opposite from her.
One great thing about this book is everyone will be able to relate to one character or the other. Everyone will have extreme amount of fun reading about all of them, but they might see themselves in at least one of them. It is always great when a book succeeds to do something like that.
Collete Turner has drawn another fantastic looking book here. It looks like the character designs have slightly changed from the issue #1 with tightening some of the panels, which cleans up some of the stuff that looked just a little bit off in the first issue. She handles action perfectly here as well and considering that most of the issue is action it works out great.
Collete also manages to work great on the interactions with yet again her facial expressions bringing these characters to life giving them those unique personalities. These are characters creators really care about and that is seen here both in the writing and designs.
Badassical is one of the most fun independent books I have read in a good while, and you will either laugh out loud at certain moments, but you will at least chuckle throughout the book. The fact Susan is a prominent character here adds to the fun as you never know what she is going to do.
There is still not a whole lot of world building going on here, but with characters like these it doesn’t matter much.
Check this book out if you can and you won’t be dissapointed!
You can check it out here – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/44848251/badassical-2-a-sci-fi-adventure-comic