
Super Sons #10 Review

Written by: Peter Tomasi

Art by: Jose Luis

Published by: DC Comics

As Superboy exclaims: Welcome to the Fortress of Attitude!

Super Sons continues to be one of the most fun books in a very long time. Tomasi manages to make the impossible happen, not only making a relatively kid-friendly book that is fun for adults but also one that doesn’t talk down to kids.

Moreover Tomasi continues to evolve Damian’s character, who is still on a journey away from being an insufferable brat. Superboy as well continues to evolve, picking up some of the good traits that Damian has and using them to become a better hero. Super Sons may have been easy to dismiss at its inception as it would have been hard for anyone to see just how the Son of Superman of Son of Batman would be able to function as a team, but this book shows that ultimately it is their different outlooks that makes them interesting. Both characters complete each other and make each other better.

That being said, there is a very weird part of this particular issue called “Intermezzo” which does detract from the book tonally, even if it most likely is foreshadowing a storyline to come.

Jose Luis comes to fill in for Jorge Jimenez here, and his art complements the style Jimenez was going for. He is certainly having fun with these characters; his art is vibrant and joyous on every page. Being that this is the chapter where our young heroes finally get their own “Lair” of sorts, it is interesting to see how it looks aesthetically. I am glad to report that Luis manages to give it quite a bit of attitude while also making it feel like a place kids would play in.

Super Sons continues to be one of the premier books of Rebirth era with no signs of slowing down. It really needs to be an animated series! What is WB waiting for? They have a premier content here for all and it could be new Young Justice.