Publisher: Dark Horse
Written by: Eric Powell
Colours by: Dave Stewart
Comics should be fun.
The Goon: One for the Road, is exactly that.
I could end the review right there, but the powers that be say I need to keep writing. If you are looking for a book that pretty much has it all, from witches to Gorillas then The Goon is the book for you. The Goon: One for the Road, is a tale of a sailor in search of one of his fellow sailor buddies. He is helped by two locals The Goon and Franky in his quest for his friend, which essentially turns into a pub crawl as the trio stagger from bar to bar and drink to drink in a fruitless effort to find the missing sailor. On each stop off they encounter character that become more and more unlikely in the world that Eric Powell has created.
The book has an old timey quality to it, and I couldn’t resist putting voices to the dialogue. It just seemed to make sense. This is the sort of comic that you can’t help but enjoy on some level.
The art is fun a care-free, and fits with the theme of the book. It has a jovial nature to it that just makes you want just a bit more.
If I do have one criticism of it, it is that it is a tad to short. 24 pages for a stand alone like this doesn’t seem right, a one-shot for this type of book does, but I wanted more pages. It just made the whole bar hoping seem a bit rushed and conclusion very abrupt. But wanting more is surely not a bad thing!