BBC has just released the full length trailer for season 8 of Doctor Who. The trailer showcases the new doctor (Peter Capaldi) alongside his companion Clara (Jenna Coleman) and features a voice-over by a dalek who can be heard saying “Life goes on, life prevails”. It also refers to the doctor traveling “into darkness”. Check out the trailer down below:
The doctor returns August 23rd on BBC One.
I am so unimpressed with this site’s “reporting” it’s not even funny. I made my way here because of Tim Siedell’s retweet of the review of his comic (which was poorly written and confusing at best, I don’t know why he retweeted it) and decided to click around a bit. This is as far as I can make it. The laziness on display in the writing and reporting here is downright shameful. Hell, you can’t even bother to get the very first line of dialogue in this trailer correct. At least put a little effort into this crappy site.
Its spelt doctor
Thanks for your feedback, I obviously am mishearing what is said in the trailer. Do you care to let me know what you believe it says?