Developer: Motive Studio
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Available on: PC, Playstation 5, Xbox Series X/S
Release date: January 27, 2023
The original Dead Space launched in 2008, spawning a new horror franchise that pitted engineer Isaac Clarke against both the horrific Necromorphs and the Church of Unitology, beginning aboard the planet cracker vessel USG Ishimura. The game spawned two sequels and two spin-offs, along with a series of comic books and novelizations. Motive Studio has breathed new life into the franchise by taking what was great about the original game and making improvements and additions to enhance it. The result is that we got one of the best remakes to come out recently, making the 12 chapter journey through the hell that was the Ishimura both memorable and enjoyable.

Game looks great visually
Welcome improvements, tossing out the more frustrating elements with the 2008 original
New additions giving us both a deeper look into the character of Isaac Clarke and the Church of Unitology
Improved AI with the necromorphs
Good length for a horror game- 12 chapters that will take most players 12-15 hours
New Game + that adds creature variations and an alternate ending
Smooth controls and interface
Plenty of solid creepy atmosphere and some very tense moments and jump out scares

Some technical issues late in the game
No Photo Mode
In all, Dead Space Remake is a remake done right. Frustrating elements in the original are now more streamlined, and welcome additions deepen the narrative. This is an improvement in every way over the original game, making it a welcome return for old fans and a great entry point for those new to the franchise. The result is a tense, thrilling journey, making it an early Game of the Year contender.

9.5/10 stars
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