Developers: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
Publisher: SEGA
Release date: February 21, 2023
Available on: PC, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S

Like A Dragon: Ishin! is a remake of the 2014 game for current consoles and PC. Set in the 1860s, the game follows Sakamoto Ryoma as he infiltrates the Shinsengumi to solve a mystery. Many familiar characters from the Yakuza games make up the cast in different roles. Combat consists of four disciplines- Swordsman (katana), Gunman (pistols), Brawler (fists), and Wild Dancer (combination of Katana and pistol). Trooper Cards also enhance combat, and as has been a staple in the series there are plenty of side activities, including fishing, gambling, and a singing bar.

Solid story told over 12 chapters
All four combat types (Swordsman, Gunman, Brawler, Wild Dancer) are fun to play, easy to switch between, and have their own skill trees
Plenty to see and do between missions
Gameplay is varied enough to never feel stale
Good graphics and characters
Side missions are often amusing and different

No localization for vocals
Mini-map can sometimes seem confusing to tell which way to go

In all, Like A Dragon: Ishin! is an excellent addition to the Yakuza series, and great for Western audiences who didn’t get to play the original. The story, characters, and gameplay are all solid, and it can serve as a nice entry point for newcomers to the series. Well worth the purchase.
9/10 stars
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