
The Comic Wish List: 11th June 2014

Welcome to the third installment of the new weekly feature bringing you comic book previews on what we are looking forward to each and every week, the general rule will be that we will pick one indie, one DC and one Marvel and if merited an honorable mention (or two)

Deciding how to spend your money this week on New Comic Book Day? Don’t worry, we got you covered!! Here are a handful we think you should pick up!

Have your say in the comments if you want to add your own thoughts!



Infinity Man and the Forever People #1

Written by: Keith Giffen & Dan Didio

Art by: Keither Giffen & Scott Koblish

An old cult favourite! DC are bringing back Infinity-Man!! Together with the Forever People, a threat so great that it may cause the destruction of the multiverse needs to be stopped, and this new ongoing by Giffen and Didio is going to show us how! I am really excited for this new book, it should be a great new addition to DCs current line up and it gives us Infinity-Man and the “New Gods” first appearances in The New 52. I don’t know which incarnation Infinity-Man will be, but it is hopefully and most likely to be Drax, brother of Darkseid, because of his origin, his connection to the Forever People, and also how Darkseid is being used in the rest of the DC Universe. The is an infinite amount of possibilities of where this book could go and I for one will be picking it up this week.



apr140703She-Hulk #5

Written by: Charles Soule

Art by: Ronald Wimberly

Who said there are no good female super-hero books on the shelves. Whoever they are, and whatever hole they are living in are wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Charles Soule, seems to be the master of comics at present. Every book he touches is turning to gold, and is brining the readers in by the dozen. This week sees She-Hulk team up with Hellcat as they go on a journey of conspiracy theories that apparently – according to the solicit –  affects the entire Marvel U! I’m sure that is just hype, but hey-ho.





Angry Birds Comics #1

Written by: Jeff Parker & Paul Tobin

Art by: Paco Rodrigues, Marco Gervasio, & César Ferioli

When I first played Angry Birds all those years ago on my BlackBerry, little did I know it would become the huge global franchise it has become today which has stemmed  a multitude of games, films, TV show, toys and now an all new comic book written by Eisner-nominated Jeff Parker and Eisner-winner Paul Tobin!!! I really don’t know what to expect from this, but the preview pages I have seen for this first issue looks hilarious. All the favourite characters are there, and with 3 different stories in the first issue it should be jam packed with laughs. Co-Writer Paul Tobin has said that they have a lot of stories to tell with new worlds to explore and a variety of themes and material. This looks like the start of something great and as the solicit says, get ready for the Angry Birds to slingshot their way off the page and into your hearts!!!


Which books are you looking forward to this Wednesday, let us know in the comments……