Written by: Josh Williamson
Art by: Howard Porter
Published by: DC Comics
The Flash #47 kicks off “Flash War” to a rocky yet interesting start. The potential for this story is certainly there; however, it is not fully explored in this first chapter. In fact, it almost feels like the story doesn’t kick in until the final few pages.
What truly saves this chapter though is the different take on the Flash’ Rogues. You don’t find out if they have a secret agenda here or if they are just as straightforward as it is being shown. The fight between Wally and Barry does seem a bit forced in this chapter and it doesn’t seem earned, either. Especially considering how overdue Wally’s return was and how short of a timeframe has passed.
All of this is saved by fantastic art by Howard Porter that really brings the conflict to life. From the opening page that is visually stunning to the main story that Williamson is trying to tell, it is all portrayed well and it pops. There are few odd panels here and there, but for the most part the art is fantastic, especially toward the final few pages that really draw you in and certainly want to make you find out exactly where this story is going.
“Flash War” is so far a muddled story, but a muddled story with potential. As it stands it doesn’t seem like it is going to be on level with some of the best Flash stories, but as the first of six issues, there’s time to course correct. If you were invested in collecting The Flash since beginnings get it; if not, you may as well wait for a trade paperback once the story is fully done.