Written by: Various
Art by: Various
Published by: DC Comics
We are finally here. It’s been 80 years in the making, but the milestone has been reached. To celebrate, we get a commemorative issue that really swings for the fences. The compilation is so full of hope and the best Superman moments that everyone who has read the Superman through the ages can relate to it in some way.
This is a 96 page special with many different stories and takes on the character, including cameos of pretty much his entire rogue gallery and extended family. But first and foremost, this is a Superman (or Sooperman!) story, a celebration of the character and what he means and has meant to fans throughout generations.
As with all compilations however, there are standouts, and different stories will resonate with different audiences. It is such a subjective matter, and that subjectivity demonstrates how how broad the appeal of a character like Superman really is, and how many interpretations of him exist.
My personal favorite was a short story by Tomasi and Gleason celebrating Superman’s birthday. It is done so well, despite its simplicity. Both creators show us exactly what Superman meant for them and why, in a few short panel. More than that, it shows their love for the character and a bit of a bittersweet goodbye from a title that they brought back to life.
Another standout is somewhere in the middle of the special, a proper send off to Superman from Tom King and Clay Mann.
It is a story that was already released online prior to the release and shows Superman witnessing the end of the world; billions of the years into the future. There are moments of reverence for the planet that the character called home for so long. There is a remembrance for everything that was lost and what will be missed. It is a beautiful five page story in which Superman talks not just to or about his family, but to us as readers. He tells us what we should strive to be, to never forget out dreams or our desires. He tells us that we are better than our faults even when we don’t think we are.
Those five pages make me want to see King take on the Big Blue sometime in the future to see what he can bring to this character.
the last story is a little of a sneak peek as to what is to come, as it is written by Brian Michael Bendis in his first DC story. It is more of a teaser for his Man of Steel and his subsequent Superman run that really doesn’t tell us a lot about what is to come, but I remain hopeful that Superman is given to the right person.
In conclusion Action Comics #1000 is a book every collector should have, and not just for “collector” value.” Get it because you like comic books and super heroes and the visions of the creators. And as it is proclaimed in this issue; Happy Birthday Superman, and here’s to another 1000 issues!