Written by: Rick Remender
Art by: Carlos Pacheco
Publisher: Marvel
After the events of the last issue where Captain America had the super soldier serum taken from him and is now an old man, where does Remender go next? Well he goes full circle to the beginning of his run and has Zola return from Dimension Z!!
Its seems Steve Rogers has gone from one hell to another in this run, but I have loved the journey, it has been excellently crafted and is a true credit to Remender how he has got the understanding of this character so well that he can take Steve from one extreme to the next and like true Cap come out with his head held high.
A quick overview of this issue doesn’t do this justice but put simply what happens is Arnim Zola opens up a portal from Dimension Z to our world and brings chaos and mutants with him to draw out Cap and the Avengers. We don’t get a clear indication of what Zola’s overall goal is but it is bound to be some beef he has with Cap from his time in Dimension Z.
There are some nice guest appearances from a few of the Avengers and also the Red Skull and his S-Men. These appearances are probably some form of connection to Remender’s upcoming Axis Event, but it was still a nice touch and the dialogue between Arnim Zola and Red Skull was fantastic and truly chilling. Also the dialogue between the Avengers was likewise very well written and Remender really had a handle on Tony Stark and Thor’s tones. This is really encouraging for Axis.
Though this issue felt a bit of an in-between issue bridging the end of the Iron Nail arc and the beginning of the return of Zola from Dimension Z, I was really impressed with it and really enjoyed reading it. I thought it was well-paced and written superbly.
The art was also surprising, at first I wasn’t too keen with the opening sequence but it really got into its own from the moment Zola turned up and the detail of the art was really effective in the scene where Falcon and Jet were experience the morning after the night before as Jet sees the Tower. The panelling for this sequence was really good and really set the tone for the rest of the issue.
Overall this issue has me really excited as to what is going to happen next and where this will leave Cap and his supporting cast. Furthermore, it also provided me with the hope that Axis is going to be a great event as I am really encouraged by Remender’s handle on the tone of the Avengers featured in this issue.