Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom, Capcom USA, Inc
Release date: September 18, 2024
Available on: GeForce Now, PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S (reviewed on the S)

Capcom returns to the first game in the Dead Rising series, which featured the main character of photojournalist Frank West. Though there had been an HD port made nearly a decade ago, Capcom chose to remaster the game rather than give it a full on remake like some of the Resident Evil titles. While the remaster certainly makes the game look the best it can, and does have some quality of life improvements, it’s not perfect. Technical issues, inconsistent controls, and inconsistent AI bring the experience down a notch from what it could have been. There is a lot of good here, but some issues may have some waiting for a sale.
Good visuals
Mostly good voice acting (exception being the character of Kent)
Decent controls
Nice variety of weapons
Slaying zombies can be fun
Multiple ways to proceed through the game

Scarcity of health items
Inconsistent AI for both human survivors and zombies
Technical issues (clipping, game crashes)
Camera not always the best

While the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster presents the game at its best visually, it does come with a few issues. Longtime fans will love it. More casual fans may get frustrated with the scarcity of health items and cheap deaths. The story remains solid, and Frank West is an excellent character. If the remaster does well, maybe Capcom will give Frank the full on remake he deserves.
7/10 stars
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